
3M Minnesota Settlement Agreement

The settlement did not resolve a central question in the complaint: Do traces of pollutants make people sick? Public authorities have set up different working groups to focus efforts and determine how habitat funds should be spent. District staff work in several of these groups. "I am also aware that this agreement is coming at the expense of a large Minnesota company, 3M, whose many positive contributions to our state and our citizens far exceed these unfortunate circumstances." The 3M comparison agreement calls for a series of broader conservation measures: the creation of more open land to absorb clean rainwater that could help flush aquifers; alternative or additional habitat to improve the lives of vipers and blue strands; and fishermen in lakes without PFCs for fishermen who want to eat their catch. In a prepared statement, Gov. Mark Dayton congratulated Swanson on the deal. The deal ended one of the biggest environmental complaints in U.S. history. The trial was scheduled to begin Tuesday with jury selection. All three options are available to all Twin Cities residents through the website that was created to provide information about the 3M colony. This website is available here: The legal agreement that was reached on February 20 – the day the process began – was precisely developed and allocates $720 million for the Eastern Metropolitan Area, mainly for drinking water in the affected communities: Woodbury, Oakdale, Lake Elmo, Cottage Grove, St Paul Park, Afton, Newport and west Lakeland townships and Grey Cloud Island.

The deal will also help about 500 homeowners who have private wells, a figure that is likely to grow. The court agreement to resolve the lawsuit determines how the 3M grant can be spent by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). It sets out two main funding priorities and sets out guidelines for the use of the remaining money after these two problems have been adequately addressed. It also directs mpCA and DNR to set up a working group to guide the use of the funds. The $850 million forensic comparison between Minnesota and 3M, which ended decades of fighting for contaminated groundwater in the East Subway, will go a long way in ensuring safe drinking water for about 150,000 Washington County residents. If the funds remain to be achieved according to the first two priority objectives, they can be used for environmental projects at the national level. In practice, it will take at least a few years before national projects are considered for funding. This is due to the considerable needs outlined in the two main priorities. This part of the reference language has been included to deal with the small part of the funds that could remain on the main priorities at the end of the overall work. But for city officials like Charlene Stevens of Cottage Grove, the deal ultimately opens up "a way forward." If you have any questions about the 3M colony and the county`s participation, email

You can also visit the state`s 3M website for more information. In a surprising comparison, 3M agreed to donate $850 million to the state for water quality programs in the East Metro. On February 20, 2018, the State of Minnesota filed its lawsuit against the 3M Company in exchange for an $850 million transaction. . . .

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