
Etfo Collective Agreement 2019

Ask what you can do this year if your union asks you to be an important part of this effort. Every ETFO member has an interest in reading and understanding the agreement and supporting the local negotiation process. Improving your working conditions is also linked to improving students` learning conditions. As part of the 2017-2019 extension agreements, ETFO`s collective agreements for all education sectors, including those of ETFO members, will expire on August 31, 2019. Teachers` and non-teachers` salaries and benefits account for 75 per cent of Ontario`s public education budget, so we need to prepare for the opportunity for the government to discuss savings at ETFO`s central bargaining tables in 2019. You will find these objectives at, where you will also find other information to keep you informed, engaged and mobilise during the 2019 round of negotiations. You can view the members` campaign by reading etfo`s collective bargaining newsletter and visiting the ETFO bargaining website under In short, collective bargaining protects your rights as education workers. Read your collective agreement today. Whether you are actively involved in the union or not, ETFO is an important part of your professional life.

At a time when 40 per cent of Ontario`s workers are in low-paying, precarious jobs, being part of a progressive union with a proven track record of advocating for and improving working conditions, wages and social benefits is powerful. 2017: ETFO negotiates a cap on class sizes in kindergarten and ensures that class size averages for classes 4 to 8 do not exceed 24.5 students in all school authorities. .

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